A study on two different kinds of seeds germination under various natural conditions

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A study on two different kinds of seeds germination under various natural conditions

C. Thilagavathi, S. Thevasundari, M. Hemalatha, R. Mohandoss, B. Rajeswari
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 3), 168-173, September 2024.
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Seeds are the embryonic form of plants kept inside a protective shell called seed coat. The seeds develop into a new plant under suitable conditions and the processes called germination. The seeds of different plants species has specific environment and requirements for germination. The seeds are variously influenced by different environmental factors Such as light, moisture, pH, salinity or salt stress and seed burial depth. The present study was conducted to determine the effects of temperature, light and salt stress, on seed germination of two plants which are naturally propagated through seeds namely, Vigna radiata and Vigna mungo. Along with this an attempt has also been done to compare the relation between seed size and germination. Biochemical characteristics were also done. A better understanding of germination of these four seeds could facilitate development of effective control options. The information would also be helpful in predicting its potential for spreading into new areas.

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