A survey of on-farm uses of rice (Oryza sativa L.) by-products in Mwea rice irrigation scheme, Kenya

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A survey of on-farm uses of rice (Oryza sativa L.) by-products in Mwea rice irrigation scheme, Kenya

Gideon Kalii Muli, Alex Machio Kange, John Byalebeka
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.25( 6), 23-31, December 2024.
Certificate: IJAAR 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) farming has received considerable attention in developing countries due to its significant contribution to smallholder farmers’ incomes and food security. In addition, its by-products, rice straw and husks can be used as animal feed, making biochar/ briquette’s, organic manure and also to make furniture. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the available quantities and uses of the rice by-products, rice straw and husks at farm-level and rice mills in Mwea Rice Irrigation Scheme (MRIS) located in Kirinyaga County in central Kenya. A survey of 300 randomly selected rice farmers and a number of rice hulling mills was conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire in the five rice blocks (Karaba, Mwea, Tebere, Thiba and Wamumu) of MRIS. The results revealed that 67% of the farmers had medium sized (1-10 acres) rice fields, with 84% of the farms producing 21-30 bags (each 90kg) of milled rice per acre. This rice yield was resulting from large quantities of rice straw and husks, with 70% of the straw being used to feed livestock and 55% of rice husk (RH) being used in making biochar. Rice straw and husks have great potential for domestic and industrial processing, the straw as source of livestock feed and husk as source of preparation of activated carbon.

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