Acceptability test of different colors of shoe polish from bee products

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Research Paper 01/06/2020
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Acceptability test of different colors of shoe polish from bee products

Shella B Cacatian, Narcitas B Ouano
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 6), 1-11, June 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The use of organic materials as shoe polish is just within reach and is less polluting. This study investigated the sensory characteristics of shoe polish cream in different colors from bee products. It designed and tested appropriate packaging and labelling for the different formulations. Four groups of respondents evaluated the four formulations. Data were subjected to Analysis of Variance and to Least Significant Differences using Randomized Complete Block Design to test the disparity among the treatment means. Results depict that the shoe polish in different colors were not statistically different as regards odor, gloss, absorbency, consistency, color intensity, quick-dry ability, effectivity with respect to time and general acceptability. Likewise, the acceptability of the four groups of rater to product’s gloss and absorbency does not significantly vary. However, the relative distinction of the achieved status of raters modifies the ranking on odor, consistency, color intensity, quick-dry ability, effectivity, and general acceptability. Unopened shoe polish can remain stable for two years at room temperature and in proper storage. In the context of product packaging and labelling characteristics, the big-sized container, substrate type, pictorial elements and verbal information of the label are the most significant attributes affecting the preference of the raters.


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