Adaptability performance of cotton hybrids under dry conditions of Zimbabwe

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Research Paper 05/02/2025
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Adaptability performance of cotton hybrids under dry conditions of Zimbabwe

Mare Marco, Mubvekeri Washington, Chingwara Victor, Kutywayo Dumisani
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.26( 2), 10-18, February 2025.
Certificate: IJAAR 2025 [Generate Certificate]


Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is one of the most prominent and important industrial crops in Zimbabwe. Cotton production is largely practiced by smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe with an average of one hectare for every farmer. Production is mainly done in averagely drier parts of the country with considerably high temperatures and rainfall amounts averaging 500mm per annum (AMA Cotton Country Report, 2022). The adverse effects of climate change have raised concerns regarding the cotton sector’s performance in the near future. However, to ascertain the significance and potential of hybrids in Zimbabwe, confirmatory tests were conducted to proffer knowledge that is critical for informed decision-making regarding the commercialization of cotton hybrids in Zimbabwe. Therefore, a two-year (2022 and 2023) multi-locational adaptability experiment to determine the performance of cotton hybrids was conducted. The experiment was carried out at seven locations following a Randomised Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated three times. Included were seven OPVs and four hybrids. Significant differences in seed cotton yield mean performance were only realized at Svisvi P=0.002 and Kuwirirana P=0.007. An across-site and season analysis did not reveal any significant differences in yield. CRIMS1, Jaguar, and C569 recorded more bolls per plant, whilst all OPVs recorded significantly high ginning percentages over hybrids, and a similar trend was recorded on boll weight. The results hence indicate the need to support the production of locally adaptable Open Pollinated Varieties which is a response to import substitution since the hybrids are imported products.

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