Addressing food security for worldwide megatrends

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Addressing food security for worldwide megatrends

Adeel Ahmad, Muhammad Iftikhar, Muhammad Tahir, Muhammad Abu Bakar Zia, Yasir Ali, Jawad Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.15( 6), 300-312, December 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Till 2050, we will have to feed the 9 billion people with decreasing natural resources. Here, we connect the global food demand for future with the aspect of food science and agriculture in producing food to feed global population. Agriculture and food systems challenges including both crop and livestock production have presented in terms of global megatrends coupled with growing threat of climate change. Various opportunities and methods are discussed for reduction of food waste and food loss, and recovering the wasted product, can be consumed as innovative raw component in the food industries. In context of global mega trends, system-based perception links food security to crop productivity, food safety, nutritive and healthy intake, efficient value and supply chains. Article call for a multidisciplinary and synergetic approach to the food security science, with an emphasis in empowering techniques and upgrading technologies in context of social and global market trends to attain food security.


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