Agriculture and fishery production and livelihood interventions: A key towards improving farmers’ and fishers’ productivity and income

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Research Paper 13/09/2024
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Agriculture and fishery production and livelihood interventions: A key towards improving farmers’ and fishers’ productivity and income

Myer G. Mula, Rosana P. Mula, Cynthia M. Rodriguez, Ma. Cynthia S. Bantilan, Keneth G. Bayani, Emerita D. Galiste, Ma. Victoria C. Domingo, Rufo A. Baro, Rodolfo G. Nillo, Mabel M. Caccam, Valentino V. Prado, Rolyne Mae C. Pajarillo, Jannah Kristine O. Vengazo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 3), 195-209, September 2024.
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This study systematically investigated the agricultural and fishery interventions facilitated by the Department of Agriculture through its Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) program, which reflects a notable increase in production and income. It employed a multistage stratified random sampling design with each province treated as a stratum with homogeneous clusters of municipalities categorized based on welfare conditions.  Based on approximate variance estimates of income levels as a particular welfare variable, using a 5% error of estimation and 95% confidence level, an estimated 4,056 beneficiaries (2,976 farmers, 857 fishers, 143 farmer associations, and 80 fisher associations) were estimated sample size. Results revealed positive outcomes, with discernible enhancements in household food consumption and overall economic status among targeted beneficiaries. Despite challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, SAAD recipients upheld food security standards, particularly in accessing nutritious food, and even generated additional income through surplus production marketed locally.


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