Altitudinal Variations of Essential Oil-Secreting Tube Cells in the Vegetative Organs of Coriandrum sativum L.

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Research Paper 01/02/2018
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Altitudinal Variations of Essential Oil-Secreting Tube Cells in the Vegetative Organs of Coriandrum sativum L.

Maria Elisa B. Gerona, Enrykie B. Fortajada, Netnet B. Deseo, Czarina Anne E. De Mesa, Nonnatus S. Bautista
Int. J. Biosci.12( 2), 106-116, February 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Modifications in the anatomical structure of plants grown in different conditions have been reported, such as increase in number of palisade mesophyll layers, size and density of stomata. However, these variable responses to environmental factors depend on the physiological and morphological characteristics of the species. In this study, anatomical features on the vegetative organs of Coriandrum sativum L. from two areas with different elevations were evaluated with emphasis on essential oil-secreting tube cells (EOT). Light microscopy techniques were employed in examining the transverse sections of roots, stems, and leaves. Anatomically, the C. sativum roots, stems, and leaveshad the same tissue compositions in both sampled areas. However, the diameter ofEOT significantly differed in between two areas. Cross sections of C. sativum from La Trinidad, Benguet which represented the area with higher elevation had significantly larger diameter of EOT in all sampled vegetative organs. In both areas, EOT were localized in the cortical region of the roots, below the hypodermal area of the stem and adjacent to its vascular bundles, and within the spongy parenchyma layer of leaves. In roots, EOT cellswere randomly arranged within the cortical region, in a ring-pattern in stems following the vascular bundle arrangement, and adjacent to vascular bundles in leaves.


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