Ameliorative potential of rice hull and straw in the ecological restoration of mine degraded soils

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Research Paper 10/08/2022
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Ameliorative potential of rice hull and straw in the ecological restoration of mine degraded soils

Gelian Aranas-Rasonable, Grethyl Catipay-Jamero, Chris P. Rasonable, Gemma A. Asufre
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.21( 2), 1-7, August 2022.
Certificate: IJAAR 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Rice hull and straw are renewable wastes contain 28-30% of inorganic and 70-72% of organic compounds. Its ameliorative potential in enhancing the physicochemical properties of mine degraded soils was investigated. Soils collected from Backfill Material/Overburden (BM) and desilted materials (DM) from settling ponds of Carrascal Nickel Corporation (CNC) were used following six treatments. BM and DM from settling ponds were treated with rice hull and rice straw with 2:1 ratio by weight, respectively. After ameliorating soils from overburden and silted materials from CNC with rice straw and rice hull, observations showed that there are no significant differences in pH, % Organic Matter (OM) and phosphorous (P) between treatments; there is high significant difference (p<0.01) in potassium (K) between treatments except between treatment 3 (soil 1 with rice straw) and treatment 6 (soil 2 with rice hull) where there is no significant difference noted; and the concentrations of Ca, Mg, S and Zn in soils with rice hull did not differ with soils before amelioration, but differed to soils with rice straw, while results in soil texture exhibited otherwise. Therefore, rice straw and rice hull have ameliorative properties that will improve the physico-chemical characteristics of mine degraded soils. It is recommended that rice straw and rice hull will be allowed to decompose in mine degraded soils to enhance its physico-chemical properties. It is also recommended to conduct studies on the response of different crops to mine degrade soils ameliorated with rice straw and rice hull.


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