An analysis of socio-economic factors and farming practices in vegetable production in Lal-lo, Cagayan: basis for an extension project

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Research Paper 07/12/2024
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An analysis of socio-economic factors and farming practices in vegetable production in Lal-lo, Cagayan: basis for an extension project

Boyet C. Pattung, Josie Y. Bas-ong, Claudine Saludares, Policarpio L. Mabborang
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 257-268, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


This study assesses the socio-economic profile, farming practices, and challenges that may affect vegetable production which will serve as basis for an extension project. A descriptive research design was used to gather data from farmers through structured questionnaires. The results indicate that 56% of the respondents grow hybrid vegetables, while 40% plant both hybrid and open-pollinated varieties (OPV). The majority of farms are rainfed, with 82% relying on rainfed lowland and having no access to irrigation systems, making them vulnerable to climate variability. Moreover interms of production cost per hectare the averaged amount is  ₱20,340.00, while the mean income was ₱29,612.00, reflecting significant income disparity and production variability. Price-setting is largely influenced by traders (58%), with limited use of cooperative-based pricing. Additionally, 92% of farmers lack awareness of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), and not practicing Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). ICrop losses due to typhoons (92%), floods (88%), and pests (60%) are prevalent, with 90% of farmers reporting low yields as a result. The study concludes that vegetable farmers are facing significant challenges related to financial resources, market access, and environmental hazards. It recommends different community extension services among vegetable farmers such as promoting GAP adoption, organizing cooperatives, and providing financial literacy training. The need to improve irrigation infrastructure is also important, as this can help to reduce cost of production of the farmers. Additionally, selected farmer cooperators should be supported through extension projects aimed at improving agricultural sustainability and profitability.

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