An overview of ABO and Rh blood group disseminationin general population of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan

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An overview of ABO and Rh blood group disseminationin general population of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan

Muhammad Umer Khan, Nayyar Shahzada, Raima Rehman, Atif Amin Baig, Sajjad Ahmed Khan, Rizwan Ahmed Kiani
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 511-517, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Until now, about 400 red cell’s antigens have been identified. The ABO and Rhesus (Rh) blood groups are considered much significant concerning blood transfusion.Based on the type of antigen carried by the red cells, every person has a blood group. Blood groups are hereditarily decided,and phenotypes havedifferent distribution both within and between geographical boundaries.The aim of the study was assessment of blood group distribution among the localpopulation of Azad Kashmir.The current research work was conducted at the medical laboratory of Government District Hospital, Kotli, Azad Kashmir, between the duration Oct 2017 to Jan 2018. A total of 3450 subjectswere included, and blood grouping was determined by the glass slide technique using commercially available antisera.Out of 3450 subjects, 1881 (54.52%) were men, whereas 1569 (45.48%) were women. The most frequent blood group present was B (36.64%) followed closely by O (29.33%), A (20.93%) and AB (13.1%).A majority of participants, i.e. 3092 (89.62%) were positive for Rh antigen, while 358 (10.38%) people were negative for Rh antigen.The outcomes would generate useful records for transfusion medicine practices at local level as well as at national level. Such inquiries need to be completed in other communities too.


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