Analysis of certain clinical characteristics of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) patients

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Analysis of certain clinical characteristics of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) patients

Ikram-Ul Haq, Iqra Baloch, Sikander Ali Sangrasi1, Noman Ali, Maria Rana, Sheeraz Ali
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 387-394, October 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Acute hepatitis D (delta) is a chronic liver disease caused with co-infection of hepatitis D virus (HDV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). In this study, blood serum samples are screened for HBV and HDV infections. The 4 confirmed out of 14 patients with real-time PCR for HDV infected were subjected for further comparative clinical analysis. Among the patients, the hemoglobin (17.18±0.149g/dL) and HCT (50.90±0.235%) levels increased significantly than standard reference values. Similarly, proline and flavonoids also observed higher, while alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and antioxidants decreased (p<0.05) in the patients than normal reference values for the healthy person. These facts could be developed due to HDV stress on the body. The HDV patients showed inversely proportional relations in the levels of hemoglobin and platelets. These differential parameters could be improved with the good nutrients or supplements, which may be helpful for the survival of these patients. This present study could be helpful proper maintenance of HDV patients under HDV treatment.


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