Analysis of heavy metals (Pb and Cd) in soil, peach fruit and its accumulation in human blood

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Analysis of heavy metals (Pb and Cd) in soil, peach fruit and its accumulation in human blood

Nadeem Ullah, Fazal Hadi, Farman Ullah, Ayaz Ahmad, Nasir Ali, Amin Ullah Jan
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.10( 4), 24-32, April 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Heavy metals are among the most hazardous substance present in the environment. Their presence in soil results in contamination of plants and consequently the food we obtain form plants. Consumption of contaminated food (fruits and vegetables) is the major cause of toxic metals transfer into human body. Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are among the most toxic heavy metals and cause serious health problem in humans. The current study was conducted to evaluate the concentration of cadmium in soil, peach fruit and human blood. Soil was collected from peach gardens and blood samples were taken from individuals. Blood samples were taken at two stages; before and after consumption of peaches. The obtained result showed that concentration of Cd in soil exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) standard limit while Pb concentration in soil was recorded within safe limit. Concentration of Pb and Cd in peach fruit exceed the safe limit while its seed contain lower concentration of the metals. The concentration of Cd and Pb in blood sample before treatment were (1.86 ppm) and (5.95 ppm) respectively. While the concentration of Cd and Pb in blood sample after treatment was (1.88 ppm) and (6.00 ppm) respectively. After treatment of peach, increase in the concentration of Cd and Pb was found in blood sample. Further investigation is suggested to find the effect of toxic metals like Cd and Pb on human physiology and biochemistry.

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