Antibacterial activity of 50 medicinal plants used in folk medicine

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Antibacterial activity of 50 medicinal plants used in folk medicine

Manoharan Sivananthan
Int. J. Biosci.3( 4), 104-121, April 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Emergence of bacterial resistance is critically an alarming situation in the health care industry. The bacterial resistance getting more serious and effort of developing new drugs initiated. Researchers from different part of the world extensively involved in the research. One of the method they employed is using the medicinal plants. These medicinal plants were used in the folk medicine to treat the illness. In previous time, the medicinal plants were just employed as a treatment without knowing the active compound/s which responsible to cure the disease. Most of the research done were based on the belief in traditional medicine and after the research done many researchers had concluded that the practice in the earlier time using the medicinal plants were right and having activities to overcome certain illness example involving bacterial illness. Some researchers proved that usage of medicinal plants in earliest time revealing negative results. In this review, all 50 medicinal plants were used in folk medicine and the modern research proved that the plants were having antibacterial property as claimed by in earliest time. Further research using the medicinal plants are needed to overcome the emergence of the bacterial resistance. To date synergistic study are very limited and it should be conducted so that any synergistic activities may reverse the bacterial resistance.


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