Antibiotics in use in litter-based semi-intensive exotic layer rearing system in Abomey-Calavi district, Benin

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Research Paper 01/09/2019
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Antibiotics in use in litter-based semi-intensive exotic layer rearing system in Abomey-Calavi district, Benin

Hervé Brice Dakpogan, Serge Mensah, Venant Houndonougbo, Trinité Demassigbedan, Luc Hippolyte Dossa, Houndonougbo Frédéric, Armand Bienvenu Gbangboche, Christophe Chrysostome, Guy Mensah Apollinaire, Saïdou Salifou
Int. J. Biosci.15( 3), 183-189, September 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Despite the importance of antibiotics in the successful control of bacterial poultry diseases, their therapeutic and non-therapeutic misuse is a threat to the production and users of poultry products and by-products. In order to promote a prudent and public health-friendly use of antibiotic drugs in Benin poultry production system, a preliminary cross-sectional observational study was carried out to evaluate the antibiotic molecules utilized by poultry producers in litter-based semi-intensive layer rearing system on 44 poultry farms in Abomey-Calavi district on the basis of a semi-structured questionnaire completed by direct observations made in situ. The results showed that all the surveyed layer farms make use of antibiotics in curative mode and half of them in addition, used them prophylactically. Eight (8) antibiotic molecules are routinely used by producers. These are tetracyclines (25.71%), fluoroquinolones (25.14%) and polypeptide antibiotics (20%) which are more frequent, followed by macrolides (10.29%), sulfonamides (7.43%), aminoglycosides (5.71), trimethoprim (2.29%) and finally beta-latamines (1.14%). The diversification of antibiotic drugs and molecules in the control of diseases is practiced by farmers who make use of 24 antibiotic drugs in total and spend $ 0.02 per month per chicken for the purchase of these drugs. Potential risks of allergic reactions are possible with residues of penicillins and those of sulfonamides. The use of fluoroquinolones molecules to control poultry diseases is a big public health concern, because of the induced-germs resistance characteristic of the residues in human; for fluoroquinolones is active both on certain poultry and human gastrointestinal pathogens.


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