Antimicrobial and Synergistic Activity of Bioactive Molecules against Drug-resistant Bacteria: A Review

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Review Paper 01/02/2022
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Antimicrobial and Synergistic Activity of Bioactive Molecules against Drug-resistant Bacteria: A Review

Muhammad Afzal, Maryam Khan, Fiaz Ahmed, Hamadia, Arif Malik, Saba Shamim
Int. J. Biosci.20( 2), 1-20, February 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This review outlines the antimicrobial and synergistic activities of bioactive molecules of plant origin against multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. The pervasiveness of MDR microorganisms has become the most serious problem of public health concern. Overuse/misuse of antibiotics is a major reason for the development and propagation of MDR strains of several groups of bacterial strains. To overcome these circumstances, the scientists paved their way to perform researches on plants to find out possible antimicrobial compounds. The plant kingdom constitutes a vast reservoir of phytochemicals having medicinal values including antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer activities. Research investigations indicate that various plants contained many bioactive agents like as alkaloids, peptides, phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids and essential oils etc. These bioactive molecules have prospective therapeutic indications against resistance strains of human pathogens. The possible mechanism of plant extracts against antibiotic resistance bacteria is targeting distinct sites, not used by antibiotics. Contagious diseases are very common in third world countries. There is an urgent need to find out the novel molecular targets to circumvent resistant mechanism. Previous ethno-botanical records and recent research publications advocate that higher plants are napping giants of the pharmacological industry.


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