Antimicrobial potential of Viola canescens Wall

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Antimicrobial potential of Viola canescens Wall

Imtiaz Ahmad, Barkatullah
Int. J. Biosci.11( 6), 209-218, December 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Viola canescens Wall. is an important ethnomedicinal plant, widely used in traditional system of medicines for treating various ailments. The present study was therefore conducted to evaluate the antibacterial and antifungal activity of this ethnomedicinally important plant.The antibacterial and antifungal potentials of V. canescens was investigated through methanolic extract of the whole plant (CME) and its various organic solvent fractions i.e. ethyl acetate fraction (EAF), Chloroform fraction (ChF), uncharacterized crystalline compound obtained from ethyl acetate fraction (UCC), n-hexane fraction (NHF), total phenol content (CTP) and total flavonoid content (CTF) using various plant and human/animal pathogens. The antibacterial potential of the using agar well diffusion assay while the antifungal activity was determined using disc diffusion assay.In antibacterial assay except the NHF, CTP, and CTF all the other extract/fractions exhibited significant activities against most of the test bacteria. EAF was the most effective fraction in comparison with the other. The highest activity of EAF was recorded against X. campestris, followed by E. coli, P. vulgaris, P. auriginosa, A. tumefecian, S. aureus, B. subtilisand S. pneumoniae with LD50 values equal to 6.28, 9.07, 13,26, 15.64, 16.28, 16.89, 20.57 and 20.99 respectively. In antifungal assay, all the extract/fractions exhibited significant activity against most of the tested fungal strains.In antibacterial assay, the CME was found more effective against the test fungi. CME showed maximum activity against A. niger (LD50 = 7.87). Least activity of CME was observed against C. purpurea (LD50 = 58.77) and R. stolonifera (LD50 = 154.83).


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