Assessing criteria agroecosystem temheal: a review

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Assessing criteria agroecosystem temheal: a review

Hassan Shahgholi, Nader Akbari niya, Ghassem Hosein talaei
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 1), 121-133, July 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Intrusive agriculture development, searching for higher profitability, has inflicted permanent damage to agroecosystems. Rapid deterioration of structure and functional properties in agroecosystems has intensified the need for research on agroecosystem health and agroecosystem management. One of the models proposed recently is the health of agroecosystems. Analysts of agroecosystem health attempt to use the health paradigm to describe and evaluate the state of agroecosystem conditions. While there is considerable ambiguity as to how the health of an agroecosystem could be defined and further analyzed, the model of agroecosystem health does provide new insight into how agroecosystem conditions can be perceived. The assessment of agroecosystem health also represents an insightful advancement from traditional agroecosystem analysis. The theoretical and methodological developments in agroecosystem health assessment can also enhance our capability to understand the complex relationships involved in agriculture.


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