Assessing factors influencing adoption of drought tolerant common bean varieties: a case study of Machakos County, Kenya

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Assessing factors influencing adoption of drought tolerant common bean varieties: a case study of Machakos County, Kenya

Yarkpawolo K. Johnson, Fredrick O. Ayuke, Josiah M. Kinama, Isaya V. Sijali
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 2), 67-76, February 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In Kenya, one of the major and cheap source of protein is bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The crop is consumed in almost every household on a daily basis due to its cheapest nutritional source. Machakos County, where the survey was carried out during 2016 / 2017 cropping season, experienced crop failures and low bean production due to annual occurrence of drought, sparse rainfalls and soil fertility issues. This study seeks to determine the socio-demographics of the household, crops being domesticated and production constraints, cropping systems, challenges facing production of common bean in the region, information on the availability of drought tolerant bean varieties and factors influencing the adoption of these bean varieties. Data was collected using a focus group approach where open ended questionnaires were distributed to each farmer and was filled in, photos for each group was taken during each session. Results obtained showed that 55% of the farmers obtained clean seeds for production while 44% are still using uncertified seeds for production. A regression and correlation analysis showed that preference of KATX56, KAT/B1, GLPX92 and KATRAM bean varieties led to an increased adoption by most farmers due to seeds availability by Government, the Dryland Seed Company (DLSC), Agro-dealers and Research Institutions. Most importantly, the farmers attributed their adoption to KATX56, GLPX92, KAT/B1 and KATRAM based on yields, market demand and WUE. However, research is required in documenting the WUE of the various drought bean varieties to increased farmers decision making process during drought.


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