Assessment of socio-economic factors and plant agrobiodiversity (Case study: Kashan city, Iran)

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Research Paper 01/01/2015
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Assessment of socio-economic factors and plant agrobiodiversity (Case study: Kashan city, Iran)

Sajad Hosseinzadeh Monfared, Mojtaba Akhavan Armaki
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 259-274, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Conservation of agrobiodiversity is essential to achieve sustainable agricultural systems. A study was conducted in Kashan city in Iran in 2013 to assess the effects of socio-economic factors on agrobiodiversity Six villages were chosen so that they provided a uniform distribution over the region. Data were gathered using semi-structured questionnaires and explored using stepwise linear regression, principle components analysis and cluster analysis. Species richness, Shannon-Wiener index and Sorenson Similarity index were calculated as criteria of agrobiodiversity status. Results showed that the lowest species richness (10) and Shannon-Wiener index (2.48) were observed in Shadian and Sensen villages, respectively. Nashalj village had the best status of agrobiodiversity regarding both studied diversity indices. Results also revealed that farmers’ age, years of farming experience, the percentage of income from non-agriculture sector, level of education and the number of land pieces were responsible for 28% of variation in data. Also the results showed that the percentage of income from agronomy sector, the number of land pieces, the percentage of income from livestock sector, years of farming experience and the percentage of income from non-agriculture sector had significant effects on Shannon-Wiener index. Overall, household income was as important factor effect on agrobiodiversity in studied villages.


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