Assessment the results of QSPM in opportunities strength for electronically waste of environmental management by SWOT method in Pira Iranian drilling company

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Research Paper 01/04/2015
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Assessment the results of QSPM in opportunities strength for electronically waste of environmental management by SWOT method in Pira Iranian drilling company

Ali Kazemi, Leila Ebrahimi Ghavam Abadi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 4), 524-532, April 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Electronic and electrical equipment production growth and development along with their short life has led to production of enormous amount of electronic and electrical waste. The aim of the current research is to evaluate the results of QSPM matrix using SWOT analysis in aggressive strategy to environmentally manage electronic waste of Pira Iranian Drilling Company. Statistical population to answer the questionnaire included all employees (90 people) in staff department. Sample size was determined 73 people through Cochran formula while the random sampling was conducted. The results revealed that the company with the score of 2.35 has weak internal position regarding electronic and electric waste management whereas its score of 2.55 indicates its strong external position. Ultimately, primary strategies were prioritized in 3 categories the most important of which were determined as interacting with relevant organizations in order to repair and donate defective electronic and electrical equipment as well as separating them prior to the final disposal with the score of 8.8 plus using instructions in order to optimize not only collecting but also conserving electronic waste with the score of 8.11.

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