Awareness and purchasing behavior of preservice teachers on environmental friendly products (EFP)

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Awareness and purchasing behavior of preservice teachers on environmental friendly products (EFP)

Bernard P. Madarang
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 554-562, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Future teachers serve as the main element in achieving environmentally literate populace which the country needs. Their adequate preparation in environmental education is a prerequisite for their future ability to design and implement effective environmental education. This study examined the awareness and purchasing behavior of preservice teachers on environmentally friendly products. It employed descriptive correlational research design with an adapted questionnaire to a sample size of 60 respondents. The study found out that the preservice teachers manifest a moderate extent of purchasing environmentally friendly products despite their awareness of the concepts, health benefits and environmental effects of environmentally friendly products. They agree that product quality, availability of the products, promotion, and advertisement of the product, and product price affect their purchasing behavior towards environmentally friendly products. Hence, as pre-service teachers, they can recognize their role as responsible consumers to buy products that are environmentally safe. This study also concluded that sex and age do not impose any significant difference while their parents’ education is the single variable defining the difference in their green purchasing behavior. Lastly, this study showed that there is a significant relationship on the level of awareness of the respondents towards environmentally friendly products to their purchasing behavior. Thus concludes that the more aware the students are about the environmentally friendly products, the more that they purchase these products.


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