Bacteriological quality of drinking water collected from different sources, seasons and areas of Barpeta district of Assam, India

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Research Paper 01/11/2021
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Bacteriological quality of drinking water collected from different sources, seasons and areas of Barpeta district of Assam, India


The drinking water quality with respect to bacteriological examination by quantitative determination of total coliform, faecal coliform count (M.P.N.), total plate count bacteria, E. coli and Salmonella bacteria were done for 180 numbers of samples collected from tube well, well, river, pond and P.H.E. supply water in summer, monsoon, and winter seasons from 26 different areas of Barpeta district has been analyzed. Out of 180 water samples analyzed, 93 samples were from tube well, which occupies 51.67% of the total percentage of the source of water, 63 from well (occupies 35.00%), 6 from rivers (occupies 3.33%), 9 each from ponds and P.H.E. supply water (each occupies 5.00%) of all the sources. Out of 180 samples tested, the total number of positive cases for Total Plate Count bacteria at 220C and 370C were 167 (92.78%) and 163 (90.56%), respectively. Salmonella bacteria were found positive for 57 (31.67%) samples, E. coli positive for 112 (62.22%) samples; 95 (52.78%) and 70 (38.89%) samples were found contaminated with Total coliform and Faecal coliform bacteria, respectively. The percentage of occurrence of bacterial populations was found maximum in the pond and river water followed by well water and the minimum was in P.H.E. supply water followed by tube well water. The minimum number of Salmonella bacteria was isolated from tube well water and the maximum was from pond water. The results also indicated that the bacterial population was found maximum in the monsoon season, followed by summer and winter. The present study indicates the presence of E. coli, Coliforms and Salmonella bacteria in different sources of drinking water itself is an indication of poor handling and unhygienic conditions. Proper doses of disinfectants should be used at regular intervals in different drinking water sources.


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