Berry quality, antioxidant compounds, antioxidant capacity and enzymes activity during storage of three local table grape cultivars growing in Saudi Arabia

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Berry quality, antioxidant compounds, antioxidant capacity and enzymes activity during storage of three local table grape cultivars growing in Saudi Arabia

Abdulaziz M. A. Alrashdi, Mohamed A. Awad, Adel D. Al-Qurashi, Saleh A. Mohamed
Int. J. Biosci.10( 4), 176-190, April 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Grapes are considered as good source for bioactive antioxidants intake that contribute to human health. Changes in berry quality, antioxidant compounds, antioxidant capacity and enzymes activity during storage (0oC ±1 and 90–95% RH plus 2 days of shelf life) of ‘Hegazi’, ‘El-Bayadi’ and ‘Red Romy’ table grape cultivars were evaluated. Total phenols concentration of ‘Hegazi’ remained stable after 25 days but was higher after 40 days of storage than initial. In ‘Red Romy’, it was higher after 25 and 40 days of storage than initial, but remained stable in ‘El-Bayadi’. After 25 days of storage, ‘Red Romy’ showed higher total phenols than other cultivars. Total flavonoids concentration in ‘Hegazi’ and ‘El-Bayadi’ remained stable, but was higher after 25 and 40 days of storage in ‘Red Romy’ than initial. Initially, total flavonoids was similar among cultivars, but was higher in ‘Red Romy’ after 25 and 40 days of storage than initial trans-resveratrol concentration remained stable in ‘Hegazi’, fluctuated in ‘Red Romy’ and decreased in ‘El-Bayadi’ during storage. trans-piceid and vitamin C concentrations decreased during storage and were higher in ‘El-Bayadi’ than other cultivars. Antioxidant capacity (DPPH IC50) decreased during storage compared to initial with no differences among cultivars. While, antioxidant capacity (ABTS IC50values) was lower after 40 than after 25 days of storage and initial. ‘Red Romy’ showed higher antioxidant capacity than other cultivars. Peroxidase (POD), polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and polygalacturornase (PG) activities varied among cultivars and during storage. Such information might be useful for grape breeders, growers, nutritionists and consumers.


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