Bio-hydrogen Production from sago effluent

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Research Paper 01/02/2013
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Bio-hydrogen Production from sago effluent

Kandasamy Sabariswaran, Paramasamy Papitha, Ravichandran Indumathi, Sundararaj Selvakumar, Samuel Paul Raj
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 2), 17-23, February 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The present study focuses on the exploitation of Sago effluent as a source for hydrogen production. Hydrogen production was investigated at different parameters namely pH, Temperature and substrate. The pH was varied from 4.0 – 6.5, temperature ranges from 30°C – 70°C and substrate concentration (Glucose and Nitrogen) varied from 0.25 g/l – 1.25 g/l and their interaction on hydrogen gas production were studied. The raw cow dung was used as inoculums for hydrogen gas production. In this study revealed that the maximum hydrogen production was occurred in acidic condition (pH 5.5). The highest rate of hydrogen production was observed at 1.25 g/l of substrate concentration (both Glucose and Nitrogen) under 55 °C.

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