Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in tilapia fish organs

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Research Paper 01/08/2015
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Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in tilapia fish organs

Hala Elshahat Ghannam, Engy Salah Eldeen El Haddad, Abdelrahman Said Talab
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 2), 88-99, August 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The bioaccumulation of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in the muscle, bones and gills of Nile tilapia, Mango tilapia and Tilapia zillii collected from four Rayahs (canals) namely from El Tawfiky, El Menoufy, El Behery, and El Nasery Rayahs, River Nile were investigated during spring 2014 till winter 2015. The results indicated that, heavy metals showed differential bioaccumulation in fish organs muscle, gills and bones, and the accumulation pattern as total heavy metal residues was seasonally as follows: spring> summer> winter> autumn. Moreover, the relative accumulation of total heavy metals in the studied fish showed the following pattern: Nile tilapia <Mango tilapia <Tilapia zillii. Also, higher concentrations of heavy metals were recorded in El-Rayah El-Tawfiky followed by El-Rayah El-Behery> El-Rayah El-Menoufy> El-Rayah El-Nasery. Fe was the most abundant element in all fish organs followed by Zn> Mn> Cu> Pb> Cd. Also, results revealed that, fish muscles have much lower concentrations of all metals than bones and gills and were not significantly different from specie to others. The concentrations of the heavy metal in muscles were within the international permissible level, so fish muscles are safe for human consumption.


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