Biochemical basis of different varieties. of maize for their relative. susceptibility to Northern, Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB)

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Biochemical basis of different varieties. of maize for their relative. susceptibility to Northern, Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB)

Tahsin Razzaq, Muhammad Fareed Khan, Shahid Iqbal Awan, Abdual Hamid, Zakiullah Khan
Int. J. Biosci.13( 6), 51-60, December 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) is most devasting foliar disease of maize in Himalayan region of the world, caused by fungus Exerohillum turcicum. Thirty maize genotypes were planted in experimental field of Department of Plant Breeding and Molecular Genetics, University of Poonch Rawalakot, during spring 2017. Disease severity of maize genotypes was assessed by 0-5 points scale. Data on biochemical and antioxidant (Phenolic and flavonoids) traits were recorded. The results showed that genotype Karamat-Bar-25, SZP-13200 had disease rating of 5R followed by NCEV-1530-11 (10R) and marked as highly resistant genotypes while Soan-3, Ghuari-122 had disease rating of 90S followed by Kissan-60 (80S) and evaluated as highly susceptible genotypes within the germplasm. The biochemical assay showed that moisture contents ranged from 6.2%–20.8%, crud protein (3.2%–2.4%), crude fiber (2.96%–26.46%), ash contents (0.13%–4.33%), fat contents (1.1%–4.53%), carbohydrate content (44.08%–85.79%) and total energy (66.49%–320.61% while Antioxidant assay showed that DPPH antioxidant activity ranged 8.8 –29.22%, phenolic contents (17.4 –38.8 mg GAE/g) and flavonoids content (2.59–36.49 GAE/g) respectively. The biochemical changes in resistant and susceptible maize genotypes showed that the biochemical constitutes was high in resistant genotypes as compared to infected, while antioxidant scavenging power was also high in resistant genotypes, due to infection it increased drastically. From the current results, it has been .hypothesized, that the .biochemical-constitutes and antioxidant can .play role in better .metabolic response .as it prevents the .allocation of .metabolic. resources to .actively defend .against the .pathogen.


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