Changes in some chemical compounds of Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb & Berthel. in response to different environmental conditions

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Changes in some chemical compounds of Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb & Berthel. in response to different environmental conditions

Taghried Mohammed El-Lamey
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 2), 78-91, February 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Climate changes, storage of water, rising in atmospheric temperature and other environmental stresses have harmful effects on the plant growth and productivity. Also they negatively influence the morpho-physiology of plants, as plant physiology is heavily affected by temperature fluctuations. Understanding the stress-resistance processes in plants has appeared as a very important issue in order to develop stress-resistant plants. So, the aim of this study was to evaluate the change in the physiological responses and chemical composition of Retama raetam in response to the environmental conditions. Retama raetam was collected from Wadi Sudr at South Sinai and Hammam Cleopatra region at Mersa Matruh in dry and wet seasons. The results of this study indicate that there was a significant difference between habitats in the contents of minerals, carbohydrates, soluble sugars and alkaloids. The deficiency of water and stress conditions in the dry season, induced a reduction in osmotic potential at both habitats, which was accompanied by the accumulation of osmolytes or osmoprotectants; such as inorganic ions (Ca2+, mg2+, K+), carbohydrates, soluble sugars and organic acids (oxalic, citric, malic) considered as a protective metabolic adaptation that could exert beneficial effects upon drought tolerance of Retama reteam. Meanwhile, the content of total alkaloids in Retama raetam was significantly affected by habitats and/or seasons, as its values were significantly increased in dry season to 6.2mg/g at Wadi Sudr and 6.5mg/g at Cleopatra. These results revealed that the chemical composition of the plants was significantly affected by seasons and environmental conditions, which may have a negative effect due to the accumulation of some toxic compounds under stress condition, like alkaloids.


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