Characteristics of cattle carcasses from slaughter areas in the Subprefecture of Napie

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Research Paper 08/09/2024
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Characteristics of cattle carcasses from slaughter areas in the Subprefecture of Napie

Soro Soronikpoho, Aman Jean-Baptiste, Kouadio Kouakou Parfait, Brou Messoum N’guettia Ghislain
Int. J. Biosci.25( 3), 198-205, September 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


With the aim of helping to improve the quality of meat in Côte d’Ivoire, a study was carried out on the carcasses of cattle from the slaughter areas of the Sub-prefecture of Napié. Thus, on all cattle admitted to these slaughter areas, the breed and age were determined by observation; carcass weight was determined using a scale while live weight, carcass conformation, fatness and meat were determined using a grid. With Statistica 7.1 software, the Student t test was used to compare means at the 5% threshold. The results showed Taurine cattle, whose age was between 4 and 8 years, were the most slaughtered (86.06% of the population). Among the bulls killed, females were more numerous (80.56%) than males (19.44%). The average carcass weight (170.86±58.63 kg) of Zebu cattle was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that of Taurine cattle (100.1±29.67 kg). The carcass yield of Zebus cattle (63.40%) was approximately the same as that of Taurines (63.70%). Carcasses with E conformation were more represented in Taurines (45.24%) while those with S conformation were more represented in Zebus (4.76%). U, R and O conformation carcasses were only represented in taurines with 13.04%, 0.68% and 0.27% respectively. The covered fattening state was the most represented with a proportion of 49.80% among taurines and 4.39% among zebus. The red coloring of the carcasses was the most dominant in Taurines (65.74%) and Zebus (7.97%). Despite the little improved breeding conditions, the quality of beef from the Napie slaughter areas remains satisfactory.


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