Characteristics of cattle rearing, herd composition and manifestations of climate change in the municipality of Banikoara in Benin

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Research Paper 01/03/2015
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Characteristics of cattle rearing, herd composition and manifestations of climate change in the municipality of Banikoara in Benin

Katé S, Houndonougbo P. V, Tougan U. P, Tchobo A, Gounou N, Ogodja O. J, Tinte B, Ogouwale E, Diarra S, Sinsin B. A
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 3), 146-157, March 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The current study aims to assess the breeding system, the herd structure of the cattle farm and the climate changes in the municipality of Banikoara. It appears that the majority of farmers was from Fulani ethnic group, of 46 years old and married. Livestock farming was their main activity. The main crops produced included maize, sorghum, millet and cotton. The reared animal species were composed of cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, chickens and guinea fowl with the predominance of chicken (p <0.05) . The exploited cattle breeds were Borgou, Somba Zebu Peulh, Barougoudji, Bororo, Kiwali and Kétégui with a predominance of the cattle Borgou (p <0.001). The cattle breeding systems were of traditional type. The reported age at first calving varies between 2.5 and 4 years. The calving interval fluctuates between 8 and 13 months. The best daily milk production per cow was reported in the district of 5 (8.38 liters) and lowest yields was obtained in districts 1 (p <0.05). The longevity of the animals varied between 8 and 14 years. The selection criteria used in the choice of reproductive cattle by farmers were the coat color, format, health, size of limb and conformation of limbs. The climate change manifestations in the municipality of Banikoara were reported as frequent droughts, high winds, excessive heat, scarceness of rains and frequent floods, declines of pastoral productivity, overgrazing, reduction of water resources and crop residues and shrinking corridors.


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