Characterization, antagonistic effect, resistant pattern and adaptation capability of halophilic bacteria isolated from Inani Beach, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/11/2019
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Characterization, antagonistic effect, resistant pattern and adaptation capability of halophilic bacteria isolated from Inani Beach, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Sheikh Farah Diba, Md. Nazmul Haque, Md. Akhtar-E-Ekram, Md. Abu Saleh, Shahriar Zaman, Md. Salah Uddin
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 615-625, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The ocean, with its rich salt tolerant microbial biodiversity, continues to serve as a source of potential salt tolerant gene. In this study, bacteria are isolated from marine water collected from the Inani Beach, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Bacterial strains were inoculated in standard Luria-Bertani (LB) medium with 2% of NaCl. Two types of bacterial strain A and B were isolated according to the morphology and nature of colonies. Morphological and biochemical properties of bacteria indicated that strain A was cream colored, gram negative, round shaped, non-motile catalase positive and showed negative result in methyl red test. Strain B was creamy white colored, gram positive, rod shaped, non-motile and showed positive results in both methyl red and catalase test. The adaptability of bacterial samples were examined on different laboratory conditions and also observed their potential as a sources of antimicrobial agents. The optimum physiological conditions for both isolates were at pH 8, temperature 35°C and 2gm/l of NaCl. Both of the strains were highly resistant to Tetracycline, Cefuroxime, Erythromycin, Doxycycline, and Carbenicillin. Bacterial strain A and B both have the ability to utilize glucose, sugar, yeast extract and glycerol as their sole source of carbon. Among these yeast extract was proved as the best source of carbon. The present investigation also revealed that the isolated bacteria B have antagonistic effects on the human pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Both of the isolates A and B were cultured in LB media without addition of NaCl. The growth rates of isolate A was significantly higher than isolate B in the medium and growth rates were increasing in every subcultures. Therefore, the study concluded that the strain has strong adaptation capability in normal environmental condition.


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