Characterization of bioactive compounds in the ant Leptogenys diminuta (Smith, 1857) using Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrophotometry

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Research Paper 01/06/2022
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Characterization of bioactive compounds in the ant Leptogenys diminuta (Smith, 1857) using Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrophotometry

Johanna Joy S. Katada, Musmera A. Mangorangka, Mark Ryan P. Villena, Isidro B. Arquisal, Lady Jane Morilla, Eddie P. Mondejar
Int. J. Biosci.20( 6), 11-17, June 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Ants are one of the diverse groups of insects and are less explored reservoirs of many bioactive natural products, including proteins and peptides. This study was conducted to characterize the compounds of the worker ant, Leptogenys diminuta (Smith, 1857). Hence, this study will demonstrate the importance of ants as a potential source of bioactive compounds found in nature. Thirty samples of L. diminuta were extracted using hexane solution and the compounds were detected using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometry (GC-MS), and the mass spectra of compounds were identified using the NIST08 Standard Reference Database. The analysis identified seven bioactive compounds from L. diminuta with pharmacological and industrial applications, including the first reports of the presence of 2,4-ditert-butylphenol in Ponerine worker ant’s hexane extract. Thus, more studies are needed to explore other essential natural products with various applications found in ants.

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