Characterization of essential oils from four different indigenous citrus varieties of Northeast India and their antioxidant activities

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Research Paper 10/02/2023
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Characterization of essential oils from four different indigenous citrus varieties of Northeast India and their antioxidant activities

Surjya Loying, Rajeev Sarmah, Devabrata Saikia, Prosenjit Bhagawati, Manash Pratim Sarma
Int. J. Biosci.22( 2), 208-214, February 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The characterization of the essential oils of four different varieties of citrus species were analysed by GCMS. The results showed that the monoterpene hydrocarbons were most abundant chemical compounds with 76.66%, 70.99%, 78.47% and 46.66% in essential oils of Citrus jambhiri , Citrus medica, Citrus limon (elongated) and Citrus aurantifolia (rough lemon) respectively. The limonene was the major compound identified in all the tested oils representing 72.901% in Citrus jambhiri, 67.861% in Citrus medica, 70.109% in Citrus limon (elongated) and 36.386% in Citrus aurantifolia (rough lemon). From DPPH assay, all the oils showed significant DPPH scavenging capacity at different percentages of oils and antioxidant activities increased with increased in percentages of oils.


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