Chemical compounds of herbal honey

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Research Paper 20/08/2022
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Chemical compounds of herbal honey

Diana Triswaningsih, Erni Prabawati, Lita Puspita R. Perdana
Int. J. Biosci.21( 2), 392-400, August 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Utilization of honey in various foods and beverages can provide benefits for health, where honey contains antioxidant properties. The antioxidant properties come from enzymatic and non-enzymatic substances. Using of herbal plants as a mixture for making herbal honey, this is known as herbal medicine for the people of Indonesia. This study aims to identify the compounds contained in herbal honey. Herbal honey is made from 90% honey; 1.1% ginger; 0.9% kencur (Kaempferia galangal); 1.1% garlic; 0.8% bitter powder; 0.6% cardamom; and 0.6% lemon. The results obtained indicate the presence of antioxidant activity IC50 50 which indicates strong antioxidant properties. GC-MS analysis was able to identify 76 types of compounds with percentage values ​​ranging from 0.370 to 4.917%. The compound with the highest percentage value was thujene (4.917%), 1-dehydrogingerdione (3.080), zingerone (2.722%), zerumbodienone (2,622%), α-phelandrene (2,620%), geranial (2.567%),(+)-trans-piperitenol (2,549%), eugenol (2.369%), Limonene (2,369%), neo-allo-ocimene (2,265%), citral (1,590%), β–pinene (2,152%), sabinene (2,153%), menthol (2,085%), (E)-4-(3,4- dimethoxyphenyl) but-3-en-1-ol (1,868%), α-zingiberene (1,743%), geraniol (1,743%), methyl eugenol (1,740%), trans-β-sesquiphellandrol (1,728%), ajoene (1,692%), thymol (1,577%), p-cymene (1,342%), β-eudesmol (1,340%), juniper camphor (1,259%), β-himachalene (1,258%), α-cadinol (1,257%), p-menth-3-en-1-ol (1,221%), α-ylangene (1,217%), α-cadinene (1,092%), myrtenol (1,087%). The types of compounds identified by GC-MS in herbal honey are classified as volatile compounds and include monoterpenes. Meanwhile, the results of the LC-MS analysis succeeded in identifying 199 chemical compounds with percentages ranging from 0.078-12.502%. The compound with the highest percentage was glucose (12,502%), fructose (7,247%), galactose (4,843%) and several compounds belonging to the amino acid group such as valine, proline.


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