Common scab performance of tetraploid potato genotypes from Argentina

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Common scab performance of tetraploid potato genotypes from Argentina

PR Vismara, SB Capezio, C Bedogni, G Clemente, MA Huarte
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.11( 2), 77-85, August 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Fifty potato genotypes from the breeding program were evaluated against common scab, caused by Streptomyces sp., in a greenhouse of the Balcarce Integrated Unit (INTA-FCA, UNMdP). The isolation of Streptomyces sp. was done from tubers that exhibited symptoms of the disease. The “seed” tubers of each genotype were planted in plastic pots containing a mixture of sterilized soil and sand, previously inoculated with the bacteria. Cv. Bintje was included because of its known susceptibility to the disease. Plants naturally completed their cycle and tuber´s scab symptoms were evaluated. Affected tuber surface (%), type of damage and relative scab index (RSI) were calculated for each tuber of each genotype. A randomized complete block design with three replications was used. It was determined that there were significant differences among genotypes in affected tuber surface, type of damage and RSI. Six genotypes with a potentially resistant behavior to common scab were identified. This characterization of infection with common scab will allow resistance genes to be incorporated against this disease in breeding programs.


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