Comparative analysis of physicochemical parameters and Bio-accumulation between Musa species

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Research Paper 01/10/2014
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Comparative analysis of physicochemical parameters and Bio-accumulation between Musa species

Mudiar Rinky Hemanta, Vyas Sneha, Thakur Ankush, Bhanushali Kiran, Mishra Rahul, Chaudhari V. S, Dr. Bhagwat Ashok, Dr. Kelkar Varsha
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 31-34, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Banana plant plays a significant role in the north-eastern population of India. The plant can be truly called a kalpvriksh since all parts of this plant have been used by the people in Assam since ancient time. The plant and its products are also thought to have therapeutical application for treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, against worms, as antiseptics etc. The people in the north-eastern states eat various parts of the plant either as raw (fruit) or in cooked (pseudo stem) form. The pseudo stem is also used to make food additives (kolakhar) that is also used abundantly in the Assamese cuisines. It was thus thought worthwhile to investigate the physicochemical properties of this and a variety of other plants in comparison to the soil as well as water sources in the vicinity for the purpose of understanding their physicochemical properties, mineral accumulation capabilities so as to be correlated to their use in day to day life of the natives of Assam. The work reveals that out of the five most significant elements, Vanadium accumulation was observed to be higher in M. balbisiena Colla whereas higher zinc accumulation was seen in M. acuminata. The level of accumulation may increase in the next level in food chain, especially in the animals / humans of that region.

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