Comparative evaluation of the antioxidant potential and phenolic compounds of the cultivars and different genotypes of Vigna radiata L.

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Comparative evaluation of the antioxidant potential and phenolic compounds of the cultivars and different genotypes of Vigna radiata L.

Ghasemi Mahboobeh, Majd.ahmad, Siyahpoosh Amir, Nejadsattari Taher, Rajabi Memary Hamid
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 6), 190-197, June 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted in order to compare the antioxidant potential and phenolic compounds of five variety and 10 genotypes of Vigna radiata L. in which DPPH method and the calculation of the IC50 coefficient were used to check for antioxidant potential and Folin-Ceocalteu method to measure phenolic compounds.Flowers and legumes were harvested kept in the FAA and then in the alcohol 70%. After the preparation and formation in the paraffin, samples were cut up by microtome. Staining was done with eosin – hematoxylin and the structure of grain shell was seen. Results showed a strong correlation (R2 >0.9) between the percentage of inhibition of DPPH and concentrations of each extract; so that lower IC50 represents more inhibition of DPPH (genotype CO3) and vice versa. The existence of phenolic compounds in the extracts is a factor to increase the antioxidant potential. The shell color is also effective in increased antioxidant potential. Also to see macrosclereids with the fat infrastructure in the seed shell structure can be a reason for the existence of phenolic compounds in the shell. Finally, it can be said that the antioxidant potential and phenolic compounds in the cultivars and varieties of a genus and family are different.

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