Comparative extraction techniques of alkaloids and evaluation of antioxidant capacity from the fruits of Retama raetam

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Research Paper 15/11/2022
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Comparative extraction techniques of alkaloids and evaluation of antioxidant capacity from the fruits of Retama raetam

Said Benfardjellah, Oumelkheir Rahim
Int. J. Biosci.21( 5), 210-215, November 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Retama raetam is an important source of biologically active compounds, especially Piperidine and Quinolizidine alkaloids as it has been traditionally used in the treatment of many diseases. Our study aims to evaluate the extraction of alkaloids from different plant organs in different ways and to estimate DPPH free radical scavenging of total alkaloids and ethanolic extract from fruits. Alkaloids of R. raetam from Algerian Sahara was extracted using three different methods. Four parts of this plant were subjected to these extraction methods. The evaluation of the antioxidant activity was measured by using the free radical DPPH test. The highest stock of alkaloids was found in the stems followed by the roots and the lowest content was found in the fruits. Soxhlet extraction was the most efficient method to extract alkaloids from R. raetam. The extracts showed very interesting antioxidant activity. The percentages of DPPH inhibition are IC50= 0.087mg/ml and 0.097mg/ml respectively. Stem part of R. raetam was found to be the richer part in alkaloids. Fruit extract exhibited very interesting antioxidant activity.


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