Comparative perception of readers towards the components of agricultural magazines

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Research Paper 01/09/2018
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Comparative perception of readers towards the components of agricultural magazines

Allah Bakhsh, Tanvir Ali, Baber Shahbaz, Muhammad Iqbal Zafar
Int. J. Biosci.13( 3), 283-289, September 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Agricultural magazines have a pivotal role in the dissemination of knowledge among the farming community. In Punjab Province of Pakistan literacy rate is increasing gradually as compared to the previous era, it is important for the success of agricultural magazines to create interest and motivates the individual to search for the new information timely, relevant to readers taste, perceptions and needs. Hence, this descriptive study was proposed to evaluate the reader’s perception towards various components agricultural magazines. The target population in this study was all the readers of Ziraat Nama, Zarri Digest and Nida-e-Kissan magazines in Punjab, Pakistan. The sample size of (400) respondents drawn through systematic sampling technique from three highest circulation agricultural magazines (Ziraat Nama, Zarri Digest and Nida-e-Kissan) selected from three different organizations i.e. state department of agriculture, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, and private organization respectively. The study revealed that 40.00%, 32.20% and 42.50% readers of Ziraat Nama were satisfied regarding the length, writing quality and information presented in articles respectively, followed by 94.2.00% readers were dissatisfied with pictures quality. The 40.00% and 44.40% readers were most satisfied regarding length and information contained articles, followed by 48.10% and 62.90% were satisfied and dissatisfied with writing quality of articles and pictures published in Zarri Digest respectively. The Nida-e-Kissan readers 40.00% and 52.10% were satisfied with length and information contained in articles respectively, followed by 46.90% readers were dissatisfied with picture. It is concluded that different component of agricultural magazines showed a positive effect on the perception level of magazine readers.


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