Comparative physicochemical, thermal and microstructural properties of starches from two underutilized taro ecotypes

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Research Paper 01/04/2012
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Comparative physicochemical, thermal and microstructural properties of starches from two underutilized taro ecotypes

Nguimbou Richard Marcel, Himeda Makhlouf, Njintang Yanou Nicolas, Tatsadjieu Ngouné Léopold, Facho Balaam, Scher Joel, Mbofung Carl M.F.
Int. J. Biosci.2( 4), 64-74, April 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Egg like taro (a giant taro consumed as food in the North West region of Cameroon) and Sosso taro (a smallest taro cultivated in Chad) are essential sources of starch. Egg like and Sosso taro starches were isolated and characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction, Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and functional properties. Compared with Sosso a common variety of Colocasia esculenta starch, the morphology of giant taro starch showed smaller particles. All the starch granules were irregular in shape and dissimilar in size. The crystal type of giant taro starch was A-type pattern. The amylose content in giant taro starch was 14.6%. The starch isolated from giant taro showed the highest transition temperature (71.10–85.80°C) and intermediate enthalpy (14.02-16.22J/g) of gelatinization. According to the gelling property evaluated as the lowest gelation concentration, giant taro starch exhibited higher pasting property with a very high ability to absorb water, to swell and solubilise. Taken together, the particular high swelling power of starch from giant taro opens an avenue to its industrial and home use as comminuted products including sausages, custards and dough. Further investigations are needed on the structural and rheological characterization of the starch to its optimal utilization.


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