Comparative population growth and losses cause by beetle Trogoderama granarium (Everts) to selected past and present wheat genotypes

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Comparative population growth and losses cause by beetle Trogoderama granarium (Everts) to selected past and present wheat genotypes

Sajid Ali Rajput, Muhmmad Siddique Khanzad, Ghulam Husssain Abro, Shagufta Rani Khanzada, Tajwar Sultana Syed, Wang Su
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.6( 5), 66-77, May 2015.
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Studies were carried out to investigate the population growth and grain weight loss caused by Khapra beetle, Trogoderama granarium (Everts) to thirty recently evolved and old wheat genotypes for their resistance under laboratory conditions. For this twenty newly emerged (<10h old) larvae of Khapra beetle from laboratory culture were released in each jar containing a standard sample of 1000 wheat grains. The experiment was replicated 3 times. The evaluation was based on pest population development, percent infestation and % weight loss. The highest population build up was recorded in T13 Triticum aestivum that harbored 370.67 adults, followed by T18 Triticum aestivum harboring 277.00. The lowest population was recorded in T1 Triticum aestivum cv. Barani-70 holding 38.00 adults followed by T5 Triticum aestivum cv. TJ – 83 having 54.67 adult Khapra beetles per treatment. The pest population in most susceptible genotype was almost 10 times higher than the least susceptible genotype. The highest infestation (97.23 %) was recorded in variety T13 with 44.26% weight loss. The least percent infestation (18.46%) was recorded in T1 Triticum aestivum cv. Barani -70 showing 6.99% weight loss. The difference of weight loss between the most and the least susceptible genotype was also approximately six times higher. These varieties were designated as the most tolerant and susceptible varieties, respectively. The remaining genotypes/ varieties were intermediate in their response to pest infestation and weight loss and could be termed as moderately susceptible.

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