Comparative study of egg quality traits in local breeds and commercial lines of chickens

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Comparative study of egg quality traits in local breeds and commercial lines of chickens

Ziaul Islam, Sarzamin Khan, Amin Ullah Jan, Zia Ur Rahman Khalil, Fida Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Inam, Asad Sultan
Int. J. Biosci.10( 2), 1-5, February 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Eggs are highly important food because of their high value of protein and richness of vitamins and minerals. Similarly to other types of food, eggs have become subject of discussions about food safety. Intensive production techniques, in which several chemical additives are used, are put into question by consumers. In this study, village eggs are compared with commercial eggs, which are produced under conditions of intensive agriculture in terms of egg quality characteristics. Rural eggs were collected from four different villages in District Dir Upper, while commercial eggs were collected from four different markets in same District. Significant difference was found in rural and commercial egg in egg quality parameters. Highest egg weight (52.3g) and albumen weight (33.71g) was noted for commercially produced eggs. Similarly, egg to albumin weight ratio was highest (64.40 g) for commercial eggs. Significantly, thicker shell (0.40 cm), higher egg yolk weight (15.47 g) and egg to yolk weight ratio (33.96 g) was recorded for rural eggs. Rural eggs had higher haugh unit (85.52) as compared to commercial eggs (84.71). It is concluded, that eggs produced in rural farming system had high nutritional value as compared to commercially produced eggs.


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