Comparative study on effect of auto-vehicular pollution on morphology and anatomy of two common plant species from Urban areas of Gujrat and Bhimber (AJK), Pakistan

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Research Paper 02/03/2017
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Comparative study on effect of auto-vehicular pollution on morphology and anatomy of two common plant species from Urban areas of Gujrat and Bhimber (AJK), Pakistan

Muhammad Ishtiaq, Atiq Hussain, Mehwish Maqbool, Waheeda Mushtaq, Azhar Azam, Muhammad Shahzaman, Haroon Mehmood
Int. J. Biosci.10( 3), 265-274, March 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Global climatic changes caused by urbanization and industrialization revolutionare affecting plants drastically. Auto-vehicular emission is one of factors that increases air pollution. To explore impact of auto-vehicular pollution on plants; two commonly occurring species Achyranthus aspera L. and Chenopodium album L. were sampled from two cities: Gujrat and Bhimber for comparative analysis. In this research, phenetic and anatomical features of plants were evaluated for determination of impact of auto-vehicular pollution. Morphmetric analysis showed that Chenopodium album was more susceptible to pollution than Achyranthus aspera in both sampling sites. The leaf size Chenopodium album was the most affected in site A (Kacheri Chowk) of Gujrat with 3.333c while in control its value was 6.500a. In other city Bhimber, this reading at site A (Samahni Chowk) was 3.400c whilst at control site its reading was 4.700b. Other morphmetric parameters: leaf width, petiole length and petiole width were also predominantly modified in both taxa due to vehicular pollution. In anatomical analysis, it was found that stem and root epidermis, cortex, xylem and phloem cells of both taxa were considerably modified due to auto-vehicular emissions. In polluted area, epidermal cells of root were reduced (2.7a) as compared to non-polluted sample (2.9a). In urban area of Bhimber; less variation in epidermal, cortex, xylem and phloem cells was explored than urban area of Gujrat (with heavy traffic). The research proves that Achyranthus aspera is more resistant to pollution than Chenopodium album. These plants had shown good plasticity for absorption of pollution and can be used as bioindicator for air pollution of an area.


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