Comparing efficacy of hydroponically and conventionally grown tomatoes

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Research Paper 01/12/2018
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Comparing efficacy of hydroponically and conventionally grown tomatoes

Tanveer Iqbal, Muhammad Waqas Anjum, Ghulam Jilani, Najma Yousaf Zahid, Irfan Ali
Int. J. Biosci.13( 6), 25-35, December 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


To improve local production of vegetables and to reduce intake of contaminants coming from toxic sprays on vegetables, there is need to promote kitchen gardening. The present study was carried out to grow tomatoes for kitchen gardening purpose using various growth medias like hydroponics, soil, compost and different combination of soil and compost. Treatments included hydroponic solution (Hoagland’s solution), control (soil), soil:compost (75:25), soil: compost (50:50), soil: compost (25:75), compost (100 %) and soil with recommended NPK fertilizers. Tomato variety “Sahil” was used for this study. Tomato seedlings were obtained from commercial nursery and sown in December, 2016 in pots with above mentioned treatments. For hydroponics, Hoagland solution was prepared and placed in plastic beakers. Sampling from pots was done after crop harvesting, while plant sampling was done at maturity stage. The data obtained was analysed statistically using CRD to draw results. It was noted that soil nitrogen content (22.1mg kg-1) was higher with compost. While higher concentration of P (38 mg kg-1) and K (139.9 mg kg-1) was also recorded in C100. Highest tomato yield (2231.1 g) was noted in hydroponics. Recommended NPK treatment gave 1187.1 g yield per pot. Lowest yield (808 g) was recorded in control where no amendment was added. It was concluded that increased application of compost increased the nutrient status which consequently increased crop yield but increase in nutrients and yield was lower as compared to hydroponics.

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