Comparison of flowering rate and cumulative leaf numbers of banana cv. mchare (Huti Green) under full and deficit irrigation conditions in Northern highlands, Tanzania

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Research Paper 01/08/2020
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Comparison of flowering rate and cumulative leaf numbers of banana cv. mchare (Huti Green) under full and deficit irrigation conditions in Northern highlands, Tanzania

Erick A. Kibona, Ernest R. Mbega, Kelvin M. Mtei, Patrick A. Ndakidemi
Int. J. Biosci.17( 2), 249-255, August 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Drip irrigation in banana farms is an uncommon practice as compared with other horticultural crops. Records for East African Highland Banana (EAHB) diploid (AA subgroup) cvmc hare-Huti Green (HG) cultivated under drip irrigation remain unavailable in the study area. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of water regimes on flower emergence and cumulative leaf numbers in the research site situated at 3° 23′ 58″S and 36° 47′ 48″ E at an altitude of 1,188m above sea level in Arumeru District, Arusha Region, northern highlands of Tanzania. We investigated the performance of HG under Full irrigation (FI) and Deficit Irrigation (DI) treatments, to assess the influence of drought on banana growth parameters and flowering. The results exhibited significant differences within and between treatments of most tested variables. A good number of plants in FI flowered earlier as compared to those ina DI. The mean leaf length in FI was (2571.71 ± 43.18 plant-1) and DI (2144.11 ±72.23 plant-1) at (p<0.001. Similarly, the mean leaf width FI (827.7 ± 11.95 plant-1) and DI (724.8± 18.43) at (p<0.001 ) respectively. Understanding the banana growth characteristics in different water regimes is of great importance due to ongoing threats of global change. Prudential use of this information can assist in management decisions concerning irrigation, water use and productivity.

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