Comparison of qualitative properties of eggs from hens reared in battery cages and free range system

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Research Paper 01/12/2016
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Comparison of qualitative properties of eggs from hens reared in battery cages and free range system

Monika Stojanova, Dragoslav Kocevski, Vlado Vukovic, Koco Porcu
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.9( 6), 77-83, December 2016.
Certificate: IJAAR 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this research was to determine the differences of some quantity properties of eggs from hens reared in two farming methods: battery cages system and free range system of rearing. Total 200 eggs were analyzed or a 100 eggs separately from both ways of hens rearing. The research was done in 2016. The eggshell strength was determined using an automated measuring device and the other parameters (egg mass, yolk color and Haugh units) were determined using the apparatus for automatically determining the internal quality of eggs. The eggs getting from battery cages system of rearing hens are characterized with higher eggshell strength compared to analyzed eggs form free ranged hens, but there is no significantly difference. Values for the mass of whole eggs are inversely with values for the eggshell strength at both methods of hens rearing. For the property yolk color, there is significantly differences between eggs from caged and free ranged laying hens (t170.800 = 6.567; p < 0.05). There is significantly differences between eggs form analyzed systems of hens lying for the parameter Haugh Units, too (t194.786 = 6.767; p < 0.05). The eggs form battery cages rearing hens are characterized with higher eggshell strength, higher values for the yolk color as well as higher Haugh units that mean better overall quality. Simultaneously, controlled way of hens rearing in battery cages systems decreases the risk of getting unsafe eggs.


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