Comparison on fatty acid profile in the different body parts of freshwater crab (Paratelphusha lamellifrons)

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Comparison on fatty acid profile in the different body parts of freshwater crab (Paratelphusha lamellifrons)

Md. Badrul Islam, Md. Moniruzzaman Sarker, Md. Redwanur Rahman, Mala Khan, Md. Juwel Hosen, Md. Abu Hasan, M. A. A. Shofi Uddin Sarkar, Mirola Afroze
Int. J. Biosci.11( 6), 186-192, December 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Different body parts of freshwater crab Paratelphusha lamellifrons from Padma river were screened for profiling their fatty acid composition. Gas chromatographic studies revealed the presence 12 varieties of fatty acids of which three are SFA, 9 are UFA of which 5 were monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) constitute on average 35.70% of the total lipid and 4 were highly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Amount of SFA, MUFA and PUFA and their concentrations in cephalothorax, cheliped and legs ranges between (24.45-26.77)%, (35.50-36.31)% and (16.90-17.76) % respectively. MUFAs were observed as the dominated one among the investigated fatty acids in all the body parts of P. lamellifrons. Except SFAs both cheliped and legs contained maximum amount of MUFAs (36.30% and 36.31%) and PUFAs (17.76% and 17.67%) compared to cephalothorax (34.50% and 16.90%). Palmitic (18.87-19.91) %, oleic (20.87-21.97)% and linoleic (13.62-14.87)% was observed predominant fatty acids among the recorded SFAs, MUFAs and PUFAs in the present study. Omega-3 fatty acids were found maximum in cephalothorax (3.28%) compared to cheliped (2.89%) and legs (2.85)% whereas omega-6 fatty acids in cheliped (14.87%) and legs (14.82%) of P. lamellifrons than that of cephalothorax (13.62%). The present study findings indicate that all the body parts of freshwater crab (P. lamellifrons) are rich in essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6.


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