Comprehensive appraisal of protected areas of Pakistan; their management status and encumbrance

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Comprehensive appraisal of protected areas of Pakistan; their management status and encumbrance

Javeria Saleem, Amna Butt, Dr. Asma Jabeen, Anqa Naqvi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 2), 188-203, February 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Establishment of Protected Areas has long history and in recent years their development has accelerated across whole world to cope with the problem of biodiversity loss. Pakistan has also shown serious concern towards sustainable use of biological resources and cultural heritage by establishing legislation, policies and institutions. However implementation of these laws and policies is not achieved to satisfactory level due to number of factors. The shortcomings associated with conservation of protected areas can be handled through collaboration of different segments of society for achieving effective management strategies. The purpose of this paper was to enlist the protected areas, provide comprehensive spatial and tabular information, and review the management strategies and current status of the protected areas of Pakistan. The paper not only focused on the problems but also recommended the solutions to tackle the problems associated with conservation of biodiversity.


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