Comprehensive environmental sustainability survey study in Pakistan contemplating environmental issues, pollution problems, and sustainable solutions approaches

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Research Paper 01/12/2021
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Comprehensive environmental sustainability survey study in Pakistan contemplating environmental issues, pollution problems, and sustainable solutions approaches

Sunila Kanwal, Omm-e-Hany, Syed Shahid Shaukat, Aamir Alamgir
Int. J. Biosci.19( 6), 20-34, December 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Environmental problems are the major concerns and talk of the town of every nation around the world. Indeed, legislations are the most important tool for implementing the obligations in a unified and harmonized manner in every state, even considered as developed or underdeveloped. Unfortunately, inadequately financed, mismanaged, insufficient coordination, poor strength and capacity building, self-centered attitudes, discriminations, lack of knowledge and holistic decisions enlarge the problems rather diminishing, although progressive thoughts persist. Pakistan is also one of the affected countries, among others, facing these issues. Therefore, in keeping the severity of the environmental issues and considering the importance of the constitution of Pakistan (1973), environmental importance in the legislative list in terms of environmental pollution and ecology is highlighted. The first time Pakistan conducted the comprehensive environmental survey study to know about knowledge and opinions of the learned Pakistani people about environmental problems and their solutions. In this regard, results are statistically analyzed and show that the participants are sensitively thinking over the protection of the environment and have more trepidations about local issues rather than global ones. The green suggestive action behavior in the restoration of natural environs are also noted, discussed through ESS and found considerately helpful and obliged response towards sustainability of bionetwork. Therefore two models are also framed with the support of a detailed literature review, provided as ESM-SS and IMF-ESM- that in fact, translates the conclusive views of the valuable contributors on Environmental Sustainability Survey (ESS). These models act as supportive tools in the formulation of better improved, symbolic and thought-provoking strategies for sustainable solutions to the environmental problems in Pakistan.


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