Contribution of genotype × environment interaction on the performance of wheat breeding lines in two tropical agro ecosystems

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Contribution of genotype × environment interaction on the performance of wheat breeding lines in two tropical agro ecosystems

Jabal Rahmat Ashar, Trikoesoemaningtyas, Yudiwanti Wahyu, Amin Nur
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.10( 2), 13-21, February 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Wheat production in Indonesia is directed to areas of medium elevation areas (400-800 m above sea level) with average temperature higher than the optimum temperature for wheat. The objective of this study is to obtain information of the effect of genotype × environment interaction on the performance of elite wheat breeding lines under two agro-ecosystem differing in elevation. The study was conducted at Bogor Region, West Java at 600 m above sea level and at Malino, South Sulawesi at 1600 m above sea level. The genetic materials evaluated were 25 elite lines derived from a cross of Oasis × HP1744, the two parental lines Oasis and HP1744, and four national varieties. The results showed that there is an effect of genetic × environment interaction on performance and variability of yield, protein and fat content of the elite wheat lines. A total of 18 lines showed higher potential yield at high elevation agro-ecosystem and 5 lines (O/HP-14-A19-1-8, O/HP12-A-25-3-7, O/HP-14-a10-2-10, O/HP14-A10-3-3 and O / HP-12-A-23-1-10) showed similar yield potential in high elevation and medium elevation agro ecosystem. Most lines showed elevated protein content under high temperature at medium elevation, but 2 lines showed little changes in the protein content under high temperature condition.


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