Contribution of GOD and DRASTIC methods to the estimation of vulnerability to pollution of the Boumaiza alluvial groundwater (North-East Algeria)

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Contribution of GOD and DRASTIC methods to the estimation of vulnerability to pollution of the Boumaiza alluvial groundwater (North-East Algeria)

Hani Bourbia, Hicham Chaffai, Azzedine Hani, Nabil Bougherira, Lamine Sayad, Larbi Djabri
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 5), 258-270, May 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The plain of Boumaiza is an agricultural region covering 88.8 km2 and contains an alluvial aquifer considered as the only and main underground water reserve. This reserve plays a crucial role for the socio-economic and agricultural development of the region. As a result, a study on the vulnerability of the Boumaiza alluvial water table to pollution was carried out in order to protect this resource. The application of GOD and DRASTIC methods for indexing and weighting environmental factors required the implementation of a Geographic Information System, using ArcGIS 10.3 software. The analysis of the results found by the application of the two methods GOD and DRASTIC showed a spatial distribution of two classes of vulnerability. GOD with a low class and the other average covering respectively 20.5% and 79.5% of the total area with as determining factors the depth of the water body and the unsaturated zone. The homogeneity of the third parameter representing the type of slick seems to have a limited influence. DRASTIC also stands out with two classes of vulnerability, one strong with 97.9% and the other very strong with only 2.1% of the entire region. The determining factors for this method are the depth of the water body, recharge, the unsaturated zone of the aquifer and the slope. Generally speaking, the result shows that this slick is characterised by a fairly significant vulnerability to pollution. The catchments located in the plain according to their uses (AEP, agricultural or industrial) require close protection perimeters essential and remote if the threat of contamination is proven.


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